Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Popcorn machine 1.jpg

The State Hygienic Lab (SHL) recently presented longevity certificates to staff members at its Coralville and Ankeny locations. The SHL Staff Council hosted a popcorn party at the Ankeny lab to show appreciation to award recipients and to all staff. This event saw the debut of a brand-new popcorn machine, popcorn, seasonings, and supplies. These were purchased using Staff Council funds awarded by the UI Staff council (UISC) and funds from an anonymous donor. 

This celebration created an opportunity for members of the Environmental, Limnology and Newborn screening sections to relax, mingle and enjoy a tasty and salty treat together. Having our own in-house popcorn machine has already brought smiles to the faces of staff, and it will continue to be used for future events at Ankeny.

If you are interested in hosting a staff appreciation event (popcorn-related or not!) then you can apply for Staff Council funds from the UI SC here. In addition to staff recognition and reward, UISC funds can also be used for outreach, professional development and education. Details can be found here.