A core mission of the University of Iowa Staff Council is giving back to the University and surrounding community through volunteerism.  

Between June 2024 and February 2025 Staff Councilors have given their time to 27 different community events, contributing over 483 hours of service! 

Staff Councilors please see below for opportunities to volunteer!    

Staff Council Members, Record Service Hours: http://workflow.uiowa.edu/form/staff-volunteer-hours

UISC Partnering with United Way!

UISC is committed to supporting our surrounding communities and we would like to encourage you to visit the United Way links below if you are interested in showing your support through volunteerism. 

United Way Volunteer Website



3rd Annual UISC Donations Drive

UISC will be hosting our 3rd donations drive for the Pantry@Iowa from March 3rd thru March 27th.  We are excited to try and beat our record numbers from the last 2 years!  Please consider donating toiletries, hygiene products, baby related items and of course non-perishable food at one of our many drop off locations listed below 💕 

Seaman’s Center 2nd Floor lobby

IHHR/C. Maxwell Stanely Hydraulics Lab

Driving Safety Research Institute Oakdale Blvd.

College of Nursing

Main Library

College of Public Health 

MERF 1st floor entrance

ML 1st floor pass thru 

Office of Animal Resources, PBDB

Java House, PBDB


Past Volunteer Activities

2025 Special Olympics Spring Classic

UISC volunteers had a blast helping at the Special Olympic Spring Classic that was held on March 15, 2025! 

The Spring Classic sees competition in basketball, basketball skills, cheerleading, gymnastics and powerlifting.  

Volunteers assisted in set-up, registration, and assisting athletes for various events.   


Shelter House Book Sale 2025

Many UISC Councilors volunteered between January and March to support the Shelter House in sorting through hundreds of donated books, board games, DVD's, puzzles, and more for the big sale that occurred on March 8th & 9th.  The day of the event volunteers also helped with checking out customers, carrying items to cars, and running the coffee bar.



DVIP Souper Bowl, 2/20/25

UISC councilors picked up soup donations from local restaurants and helped serve at the event. 

All proceeds from the event went to support DVIP of Iowa City. 


Dance Marathon Big Event 31!

The University of Iowa Dance Marathon is a student organization that provides year-round support to youth cancer patients and their families. The Big Event is a 24-hour Dance Marathon where students assemble to celebrate all survivors and remember the children who have passed away throughout the year. 

UISC showed our support again this year by volunteering for the Big Event!  Councilors spent time in the family room making crafts with kids and their families, helped with registration and with helping families navigate to the event. 


UISC Sponsored Blood Drives

Staff Council sponsored 2 blood drives in January 2025 collecting 33 units for the DeGowin Blood Center!! 

We had a truly great turnout and hope to beat those numbers next year! 

Blood Drive

Magic Carpet Making!!

In honor of the 2025 Human Rights week UISC councilors helped make Magic Carpets for kids in the Johnson and Washington county areas to encourage reading!!  UISC has partnered with United Way in the past to make literacy kits and a large book donation and we will continue to support them in their many missions! 


Holiday Lights by the Lake 2024

Staff Councilors volunteered our time to help with the Holiday Lights on the Lake display at the Coralville Lake in support of the Bird House Hospice Home of Iowa City.  

Councilors helped with set-up, directing traffic, taking donations, and tear-down.  This is a truly magical yearly event that we are proud to help with!




Caroling at The Hope Lodge

On December 4th, UISC Councilors went caroling at The Hope Lodge of Iowa City.  The Hope Lodge supports patients from UI Hospitals that have to travel for treatments and provides a comforting place to stay.  

This was a wonderful time for all who joined!


Veterans Day Flag Display

UISC Councilors and other UI associated volunteers helped set-up the yearly display of flags on West Pentacrest; each flag placed is in honor of a veteran with over 6,000 flags displayed this year. 


Homecoming Parade 2024

Staff Council had a blast at this year's parade celebrating our Hawkeye Heroes!!! 


Faculty & Staff Coffee Bar

UISC assisted at this year's Faculty & Staff Coffee Bar to honor all the hard work that happens every day on campus - this is a special event the week of Iowa Homecoming! 


Fall Highway Clean-up 2024

On 10/5/24 UISC Councilors sweated together cleaning-up our section of Adopted Highway.  Lots of trash was removed and lots of fun was had 😊

trash clean


HopeWalk 2024

UISC Councilors gathered with Cedar Rapids area residents for the 11th annual HopeWalk for suicide awareness and prevention. This event is held at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids to remember loved ones lost to suicide and to spread the word for suicide prevention. 


Shelter House BBQ Bash 2024

The 2024 Shelter House BBQ Bash was a blast! 

UISC Councilors helped with setup of this event on 9/26 and then helped with the big Bash Friday, September 27th at the Johnson County Fairgrounds. 

This event is held yearly to raise funds for the Shelter House of Iowa City to assist in helping persons improve their quality of life as they move forward from homelessness. 

BBQ Bash Shelter House


On Iowa 2024

Councilors welcomed our incoming Freshmen and transfer students to campus by assisting with moving into the dorms, passing out swag, and registration. 


on iowa

98.1 KHAK Radiothon

UISC volunteered alongside 98.1 KHAK and KCRG TV 9 News at the University of Iowa Center for Advancement for the 98.1 KHAK Radiothon August 15th & 16th!Patients and their families shared their inspiring stories live on air, highlighting the impact of donations. 


UISC at the Iowa State Fair!

On Monday, 8/12/24 and Saturday, 8/17/24 from 1 to 5pm Staff Councilors represented the University of Iowa at the State Fair!  


My Very Own Book!

UISC sponsored its first children's book drive on behalf of United Way!! 

We collected over 1,500 books to be given to children in need in Johnson and Washington counties!


Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up June 2024

Councilors and their family members braved the heat on June 22nd to cleanup of the UISC portion of adopted highway near Kent Park. 

trash clean



Pride Parade 2024

On Saturday June 15th UISC showed our support in the Iowa City Pride Parade! 

Lots of candy and lots of fun!! 


Corridor Heart Walk 2024

On Saturday May 4th UISC Councilors assisted with the Corridor Heart Walk at Kinnick Stadium!  Volunteers for the event helped with setup, running booths, and clean-up.  



Literacy Kit Assembly Sponsored by UISC

UISC worked with United Way to assemble Literacy Kits to be distributed to local schools.  

Volunteers assembled 20 kits for children, these kits were personalized by each volunteer to help promote reading and understanding what has been read through pictures and games.


UISC Annual Donations Drive, March 2024

The UISC Community Outreach Committee held its 2nd annual donation drive for the Pantry @ Iowa.  11 drop off locations collected toiletries, baking items, and many other dry goods; in total 600lbs were collected and donated to the Pantry @ Iowa!!!  

Food drive image 2.jpg


Shelter House Book Sale 2024

 Many UISC volunteers helped to sort through donated books, games, and puzzles to get organized for the annual Sheter House Book Sale.  Volunteers also assisted the weekend of sale, 3/23 & 3/24, with ringing up customers and serving coffee. 


Dance Marathon 30 Big Event

UISC Councilors along with their friends and family volunteered for Dance Marathon at the University of Iowa IMU!!!  

Volunteers helped at bag check-in and in serving meals to the Dancers. 

Dance Marathon celebrated 30 years and we got to celebrate with them!


DM 30
DM 30

UISC Sponsored Blood Drive


Your UISC Community Outreach Committee sponsored a blood drive on Friday February 9, 2024, to support the Degowin Blood Center.  

The drive was held from 10am to 2pm in the MERF Atrium on West Campus and was a success with 11 donations!  We hope to do more of these drives in the future!  



Blood Drive


Holiday Lights at the Lake 2023

Volunteers assisted with directing traffic, taking donations, and spreading holiday cheer! 

The weather was great on most evenings, and we were able to show lots of support to the Hospice House of Johnson County in their yearly fundraising event! 



2024 Celebration of Human Rights Week

UI Staff Council members joined in celebrating Human Rights Week here on campus by volunteering! 

 In partnership with United Way, they assisted in assembling literacy kits to benefit local K-6th grade kids and hygiene kits to be distributed to Free Medical Clinic clients in need. 


DVIP Kit Assembly 2024

UISC partnered with members of the CLAS Staff Council to   assemble kits for the Domestic Violence Intervention Program.  These kits included items to aid in mental health/coping skills and maternal health. 

We look to help and encourage those who are in need and will continue to reach out to DVIP and assist with future needs and events. 


UISC Adopt-A-Highway Fall 2023 Event

UISC Councilors along with family and friends braved the cold and met up for our fall clean-up event on 10/28/23. 

We always have a great time and find lots of "treasures" along the way! 


UI Homecoming Parade 2023

UISC members, family, and friends marched in the parade and had an awesome time celebrating the Hawkeyes! 

Parade 2023

BBQ Bash!

Shelter House of Iowa City held its annual BBQ Bash fundraiser to support the individuals and families in need of housing.  UISC members helped with set-up and with serving food and drinks at this event. 

BBQ Bash Shelter House


HopeWalk 2023

The 10th annual HopeWalk for suicide awareness and prevention was held on 9/16/23 at Cherry Hill Park in Cedar Rapids Iowa.  UISC members assisted with setting up the event as well as serving food and clean-up. 


2023 ON IOWA! 

August 13 - August 20 

Councilors helped support incoming freshman and transfer students to the University by assisting with registration, moving into dorms, and passing out swag items!  


Iowa State Fair Booth 

Saturday 8/12/23 or Monday 8/14/23 

Councilors hosted a booth at the Iowa State Fair providing information about the University of Iowa Staff Council and passed out swag!   


RAGBRAI 2023  

July 23rd to July 29th

UISC Volunteers prepared seed bombs for RAGBRAI riders to throw as they were riding through Iowa to promote native wildflower growth to the state.  And, UISC Volunteers helped at a number of locations as RAGBRAI riders came through the Coralville area; including registration, food distribution, and clean-up.    


Iowa City Pride Parade & Festival  

June 17th 2023

Councilors marched in the parade to show support for PRIDE Month! 


Juneteenth Concert & Celebration 

Iowa City, Friday June 16th 2023   

Our Community Outreach Committee invited Staff Councilors to help out with this special celebration.

Juneteenth honors the end to slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday.  Volunteers for this event helped in setting things up, trash removal, serving food and drinks, and by providing assistance as needed to event organizers.  



UISC Spring Clean-up Event - May 20th 2023

The Community Outreach Committee invited all UISC members and their friends and family to help with our Spring highway clean-up!    

This was our 3rd clean-up event and we found many "treasures" that are not removed from our stretch of highway!  We will continue in our efforts to help our community and the environment. 


Hope Lodge Chorale Concert  

Thursday May 18th, 2023

The Community Outreach Committee sponsored a choral concert through the Cedar Rapids Concert Chorale at the Hope Lodge in Iowa City to entertain patients staying there while receiving cancer treatments.   

The American Cancer Society facilitates care and lodging for patients that travel 40+ miles or more in order to receive treatments.  We wanted to do our part to help make these patients more comfortable and take their minds to a more beautiful place while they receive the care they need.    

The event was a great time for all and we look forward to going back! 


Donation Drive - Food Pantry @ Iowa  

March 6th to March 24th 2023 

The UISC Community Outreach Committee organized a donations drive to support the Food Pantry @ Iowa which helps individuals and families in need who are affiliated with the University of Iowa as students or employees. 

627.13Ibs of dry goods were collected over the 3-week period!!!!   


Shelter House Book Sale 

March 25th & 26th 2023 

Staff Councilors helped to sort books, DVD's, games, and puzzles in preparation and helped the day of the sale to raise funds assisting Shelter House in supporting their mission of helping families and individuals in need in the Iowa City area.  


UI Dance Marathon 

University of Iowa Dance Marathon 29 Big Event!  

Staff Councilors took shifts helping to keep track of DM Dancer bags among other duties and cannot wait to help again next year!!!!

Dance Marathon
Dance Marathon 2023! 

Holiday Lights at the Lake 2022

The Bird House Hospice-Home of Johnson County  

Staff Councilors volunteered at the Holiday Lights on the Lake event supported by the Bird House Hospice-Home of Johnson County at the West Overlook Campground at the Coralville Reservoir.  Volunteers helped to guide traffic, scanned tickers and handed out brochures and candy canes to visitors.  This is a yearly event and Staff Council looks forward to supporting this event again in 2023!


Concessions at Kinnick 2022

Home Football Games from October through November

On home game days during the Hawkeye football season, volunteers worked concessions at Kinnick Stadium! This was a fun and fast-paced volunteering opportunity. This volunteer opportunity helped Shelter House of Iowa City raise money that allows them to continue providing support in our community! 

Concessions at Kinnick

Homecoming Parade 2022

Friday, October 28

Staff Council members along with their family and friends marched in the Iowa Homecoming Parade on 10/28/22.  Candy, stress-balls and 2,500 pom-poms were handed out to the Iowa City community on behalf of Staff Council.  Go Hawks!!! 

View the link: https://youtu.be/tPWhtE_XQuA?t=4053 

Homecoming Parade 2022

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up 2022

On Saturday, October 15, 2022 Staff Council members met to do our second Adopt-A-Highway clean-up event.  It was a beautiful day for the event and everyone involved had a a blast.   

Staff Council will continue to support the cleaning of our adopted stretch of highway and look forward to our next clean-up in the spring of 2023! 

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up Event October 15 2022

HOPEwalk 2022

Staff Council members volunteered for the HOPEwalk suicide prevention event on Sept. 17, 2022.

This is a yearly event held in Cedar Rapids, IA at Cherry Hill Park.  As a Council we offered our services by volunteering to give our time to help run this event which provides support to families dealing with the aftereffects of suicide as well as prevention. 💜 

Suicide Awareness & Prevention

OnIowa 2022

Staff Council members volunteered to assist new students to campus in registration/check-in as well as in moving into dorm rooms.  

This is a yearly event that supports new students coming to our awesome campus! 
