The University of Iowa makes a substantial investment in traditional benefits such as health and dental insurance, vacation, and retirement plans. Along with these traditional benefits, another advantage of working for the University is access to a wealth of resources, opportunities, and services for your personal and professional enrichment. Most are offered free of charge or at a substantially reduced cost for UI staff.

Below is a list of significant staff resources and services; a full list of resources for staff is available at the UI Human Resources website.


Benefits and Payroll


Services & Amenities



  • Cambus is a free on-campus bus service
  • U-Pass for use on Iowa City and Coralville busses
  • Vanpools serves more than 750 employees
  • Rideshare is a service to help people who want to share their commute or do not have access to transportation
  • The Emergency Ride Home Program is available to employees

Programs & Activities

Personal & Professional Development
