Friday, February 28, 2025
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University Charter and Non-Charter Committees play an important role in the shared governance, the mission, and strategic plan of our university. These committees were established to ensure University-wide services and activities are carried out in the best interests of the UI community. Their general responsibility is twofold: 1) to recommend and to advise on the formulation of university policy, and 2) to assist in the interpretation of university policies to their respective constituencies.

Each spring the University of Iowa Staff Council Committee on Committees solicits applications to fill staff vacancies on University Charter and Non-Charter committees. The application for terms starting in September 2025 is open. Please visit the website of the committee you are interested in for more details.

All full-time or part-time UI staff members (P&S and Merit) are eligible to serve on University Charter and Non-Charter Committees and are welcome to apply for more than one committee.

Please consider playing a critical role in UI shared governance by applying today! The application is open through March 17, 2025, click this link to apply or scan the QR code below!

Please contact the Staff Council Office at 319-335-3600 or with any questions. 

Best, Staff Council Committee on Committees

NOTE: While Staff Council coordinates the selection process for staff members on University Committees, the committees themselves are distinctly separate from Staff Council.

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