Greetings. As you know, these are challenging times at both the state and federal levels. We want you to know we hear you, are advocating for you, and are here to support you. There are many changes occurring right now and we are closely monitoring this fluid situation with our UI Leadership. We will continue representing you, our staff, while we continue providing our students the best education possible, continue making a difference with our innovative research, and continue giving high quality and compassionate heath care for all Iowans. We are in constant communication with UI leadership on ways forward as we know the work that you all do is vital to our campus, community, state, and country. For communications and updates, first look for the weekly Iowa Now newsletter. Those seeking information about federal research funding, federal policy updates, overview of Executive Orders and much more , consult the website of the Office of the Vice President for Research. Here you will find updates and links to external sites with additional information, including lists of ongoing federal actions. Also please feel free to share and to reach out to UI Staff Council,, with any issues or specific concerns. Thank you for all that you do and we are here for you and in this with you.
Monday, March 3, 2025