
To develop, review, facilitate discussion and make recommendations concerning issues of Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSE/C) Staff.

Scope of Concern

The issues that may be addressed include but are not limited to the following as they apply to MSE/C personnel:

  • Review policies and practices relative to MSE/C colleagues.
  • Foster inclusion of MSE/C Staff on all recommendations from Council.
  • Meet with MSE/C constituents at least twice per year.
  • Communicate MSE/C information to constituents as appropriate via listserv
  • Meet with UI administrators and other representatives as appropriate and/or necessary to represent MSE/C staff regarding existing issues.
  • Represent The University of Iowa MSE/C membership on the Regents Inter-institutional Supervisory and Confidential Advisory Council (RISCAC) which represents non-bargaining Merit Staff of The University of Iowa, Iowa State University, University of Northern Iowa, Iowa School for the Deaf, and Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School.

Chair: Rubia Ruiz and Tony Senio

Committee Members

Rubia Ruiz

Rubia Ruiz

Behavioral Health; Health Care
Function Representative
Tony Senio.png

Tony Senio

Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSEC)
Function Representative