As the University of Iowa responds to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are focused on ensuring that Staff Council continues to work to fulfill its mission to represent our constituents. With the rapid change that has upended each and every one of our work and personal lives, the voices of shared governance are now more important than ever. Staff Council will continue to meet virtually on our regular monthly schedule until such time that we can meet again in person. The Staff Council Executive Committee continues to meet monthly with President Harreld, weekly with members of his team, and every-other-month with Provost Fuentes. UISC President, Mike Weaver, has been meeting at least once per week as part of a larger leadership team receiving up to the minute information as the situation evolves.
Maintaining lines of communication is critical at this time, so please stay in touch and share your questions, thoughts, and concerns. You can share these with your representatives, or directly to the Staff Council mailbox. We want to know about the issues you are facing as well as the successes you are having in our new reality. Our tagline - "Your Voice for a Better UI" - is more than an aspiration - it is a responsibility we carry every day. Stay healthy, and thank you for all that you do.