To review and make recommendations regarding bylaws and associated policies and procedures.
Scope of Concern:
- Serve as a resource for the Executive Committee and Staff Council committees and constituent groups regarding potential changes to the Bylaws.
- Review proposed bylaws amendments to determine whether they are consistent with current bylaws:
- If after Executive Committee review and approval, the Bylaws Committee finds the proposed amendment consistent with current bylaws, the Bylaws Committee will bring the proposal to the Staff Council at the next regular meeting.
- If the proposed amendment is inconsistent with current bylaws, the Bylaws Committee will recommend language that makes the proposal consistent with current bylaws and will transmit that proposal back to the Executive Committee for review.
- After the last meeting of the Staff Council operational year, compile and transmit all updates to the Bylaws to the Executive Committee, who will forward them to the editor of the UI Operations Manual for publication.
- Review Staff Council policies and procedures to ensure they are consistent with the Staff Council Bylaws and advise the Executive Committee.
- Act as parliamentary advisory in order to maintain productive Council meetings.
- Assist shared governance or other university groups with creating or amending their bylaws as requested.
Maria Bruno and Josey Bathke
Committee Members

Josey Bathke, JD, MBA, ARM-P, SPHR
Administration; Audit, Compliance, Legal & Risk
Function Representative

Neda Barrett, Staff Council Vice President/President Elect
Human Resources
Function Representative