To solicit and recommend the best qualified candidates to represent staff on the University of Iowa’s charter and non-charter committees, and other standing committees. To find and recommend replacements for the various committees as unscheduled openings occur. Candidates’ eligibility for each University committee is governed by the UI Operations Manual, Part 1, Section 2.8(6) with charter and non-charter committee policies.
Scope of Concern:
- Act as liaison with staff members serving on university charter committees and non-chartered committees.
- Report charter and non-charter committee issues of interest to the Council.
- Provide Council view to charter and non-charter committee members as needed.
For inquiries, please contact: staff-committees@uiowa.edu.
Erika Holm-Brown and Jenni Yoder
Committee Members
Erika Holm-Brown
Carver College of Medicine; Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
Organization Representative
Jennifer Yoder
Administration; Audit, Compliance, Legal & Risk
Function Representative
Neda Barrett, Staff Council Vice President/President Elect
Human Resources
Function Representative
Brett Cloyd, Staff Council Secretary
University Libraries
Organization Representative
Tony Senio
Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSEC)
Function Representative