In the wake of the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others, and the protests that have broken out nationwide against anti-black violence, institutional racism and police brutality, the University of Iowa Staff Council Executive Committee affirms its heartbreak for victims, support for protestors, and continuing dedication to being a voice for each and every University of Iowa Staff member.
The University of Iowa Staff Council will continue to stand for and support employees, students, and community members from varied backgrounds and underrepresented populations. We will do this by strengthening our allyship with UI Diversity Councils, advocating for institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, and celebrating diversity through our annual DEI Celebration event. We also pledge to work with University Administration and the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety to identify and change policies and procedures and hold those accountable that contribute to inequity.
We acknowledge the inherent privilege in never knowing how it feels to be discriminated against based on skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or other immutable traits, thus Staff Council pledges to advocate alongside those who are impacted by racism and other forms of inequities and to take action in times when their voices are being silenced.
In Service,
University of Iowa Staff Council Executive Committee
Heather R. Mineart, President
Kevin Zihlman, Vice President/President Elect
Mike Weaver, Past President
Brenda Van Dee, Budget Officer
Ted Potter, Secretary
Mihaela Bojin
Genevieve Johnson
Teri Schnelle
Glenda Smith