The annual UI Health and Well-Being Fair (sponsored by UI Staff Council) is being held on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022 from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Located at the Main Deck, UI Field House, Iowa City, liveWELL has put together a program of events to help support your well-being and move forward with purpose.
Participate in a variety of groups on November 2nd and make a connection with fellow Hawkeyes for renewal, resilience, and empowerment. The UI Health Fair creates opportunities to come together and learn how to move forward in a positive way. Get inspired to take action from a variety of speakers and topics and leave with hope for the future. Learn about campus resources to support your own personal health and also that of your work unit by visiting more than 30 vendors at the fair. All University of Iowa employees are invited to attend.
You also have the chance to win prizes! Visit the UI 2022 Health Fair site for more information on purpose and the full schedule of events. UI Staff Council continues to sponsor this event to improve the health and well-being of our campus!