Staff Council embraces the celebration of Human Rights Week at the University of Iowa. The week started with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service on Monday. Discussions, seminars, and presentations have continued throughout the week.
A variety of events are still to come. Staff Council encourages all staff to participate if you are able. Also, please be on the lookout for more events in February for Black History Month.
Here a few of the remaining Human Rights week activities:
Presentation: Health Inequities, Barriers, and Challenges Experienced by People in Larger Bodies
Thursday, January 19, 2023 12:00pm, Med Alum Auditorium, E331, General Hospital
Presentation: Where Do We Go From Here? Meditations on Region, Violence, & Possibility
Friday, January 20, 2023, 12:40pm, Boyd Law Building, 235
Activity: Literacy Kits
Friday, Jan. 20, 12pm.
Carver College of Medicine students are sponsoring a United Action for Youth (UAY) literacy kit making event. Sign up online to participate.
Discussion: Human Rights Week Reflection Panel
Tuesday, Jan 24, 12p, Seebohm Conference Room, room 283 of the Eckstein Medical Research Building.
Please register in advance. Lunch will be provided for in-person participants. A zoom link will be provided for those who choose to attend virtually.
More details and events can be found at: