The Staff Council Diversity, Equity, and inclusion (DEI) Committee hosted its annual DEI celebration on March 27, 2023 in the International Ballroom at the Iowa Memorial Union, and also through Zoom. The purpose of the event is to celebrate the efforts of all those who work tirelessly to advance DEI on our campus and in our community, striving to make them the best they can be. Committee members are Neda Barrett (co-chair), Darrelle Wilkinson (co-chair), Tracey Pritchard, Nima Chaudhary, Mary Shumaker, Robert Butler, James Jorris, Lisa Piper, Tammy Paulus, and Jerusalem Alleyne. We were thrilled with this year’s very inspirational speakers. The speakers during the Celebration were Jackie Kleppe, Staff Council President, UI President Barbara Wilson, Dr. Liz Tovar, Executive Officer & Associate Vice President, Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Dr. Denise Martinez, Associate Vice President & Clinical Associate Professor of Family Medicine, and Derrick Wills, Administrative Services Director, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the 2022 Recipient of the Staff Award for Distinguished Leadership in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. We were delighted to have V Fixmer-Oraiz, a Johnson County Supervisor, join us for this wonderful celebration. This annual event is in keeping with the DEI Committee’s purpose: To promote diversity awareness and recommend ways to increase diversity and inclusion of all staff on campus in conjunction with the University of Iowa “Core Values,” Institutional Goal 5, which strives for a “culturally diverse and inclusive University campus.” If you have questions about the Committee and its work, please contact one of the members mentioned above.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023