Celebrate the Spirit of Giving with the United Way of Johnson and Washington Counties
Every fall UI collaborates with our community through a Fall Giving Campaign. This year’s campaign will run from November 15th through Dec 20th, 2023. Donations provide much needed services to improve our neighborhoods and our lives. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to give back to our community.
Locally, the United Way of Johnson and Washington Counties provides funding to 29 partner agencies that are carefully vetted and proven to be mission-focused by addressing the greatest needs in our community, provides infrastructure for disaster response and recovery, connects a network of volunteers with meaningful opportunities to put their talents and energy to immediate use throughout our community, and supports literacy and educational efforts for children in our community. Thousands of Johnson and Washington county residents benefit for these efforts.
Employee campaigns are the largest share of donations through the United Way. When you donate to United Way, your gift becomes part of a comprehensive effort to address community-wide challenges. Please consider donating or organizing a department wide campaign. Our United Way UI Campaign Advancement team includes current Staff Council leadership, President James Jorris, President-elect Makur Jain, and Past president Jackie Kleppe, who along with fellow team members Sasha Schmid, Matt Henderson, Liz Tovar, and Tom Rocklin, can speak to your department or share ideas and answer questions. United Way also has an easy to use toolkits full of ideas for success!