If your job function falls into one of the categories below, YOU can make a difference by voting for someone to represent you and your peers on Staff Council. Your representative will serve for the next 3 years on a shared governance body that interacts with UI faculty, graduate and professional students, and undergraduate student government, as well as with UI president Wilson and Provost Kregel. And if you have concerns or questions about Staff Council or shared governance, please check out the Staff Council website.
- Academic Support Services & Libraries (PC, PL) [1 open]
- Administration, Audit, Compliance, Legal, Risk Management (PA, PN) [1 open]
- Behavioral Health, Health Care (PJ, PV) [2 open]
- Business & Finance (PB) [1 open]
- Merit Supervisory Exempt/Confidential (MSEC) (PH, PR) [1 open]
- Research/Scientific Services (PH, PR) [3 open]
(Unsure of your job function category? Check the 1st two letters of your job code in the university directory.)
You should have received an email with a ballot link on or around April 5th if your position sits in an eligible job function category. If you haven't already voted, DON’T DELAY! Voting closes on Wednesday April 19th.