Any idea who represents you on Staff Council? The feedback we’ve received suggests for many staff members the answer is “no.” In response, we are launching a new Councilor Spotlight series in the monthly newsletter. The Spotlight series is intended to introduce Council members as well as provide a glimpse of the work that occurs on Staff Council. Why would you want to contact your representative? They can elevate your concerns or ideas, help you find information, and connect you with resources across campus. Use this link to find your representative:
Brett Cloyd, Social Sciences and Public Policy Librarian, and UI Libraries Organization Staff Council Rep.
Cloyd has been at the University of Iowa for 23 years as a full-time employee and 2 years as a graduate student. This year he is participating on the University Relations and Community Outreach committees.
When asked what staff council project he is most proud of, Cloyd shared “Convening the Big Ten Collaboration on Staff Advocacy for 2 years. It’s a meeting of staff leaders from the Big Ten universities. We met several times a year to share our work experiences”.
Some additional Q&A with Brett: Q: What inspires you?
A: My colleagues, working as part of a library, and my community.
Q: What is something you do outside of work for fun?
A: I like to run, ride my bike, and read a diverse array of books.
Q: What is your favorite local spot or attraction?
A: The Ped Mall
Q: What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
A: Breakfast, feeding the cats, riding my bike to work, meeting with students for a research consultation, teaching a class, attending a Staff Council meeting, good talks with colleagues, eating in my awesome kitchen with my terrific family, watching an episode of Stranger Things, reading a few poems and either a great novel or science-oriented non—fiction, listening to a few songs before fading into sleep.
Q: If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what would you choose and why?
A: Heroes by David Bowie
Q: If you could have any superhero power, what would it be and why?
A: I do like the way the Dalai Lama laughs. He can diffuse tension and help people listen to each other.