UI Staff Council (UISC) members participate in volunteer activities to support campus or the community. Visibly active staff participation/involvement advances UISC’s goal of supporting the University of Iowa mission.
Here are highlights from the fall:
- Councilors helped at the first ever EA Sports event at Kinnick Stadium which was being held to raise monies for the Stead Family Children’s Hospital; it was a great event for gamers and football lovers.
- Support was given to Shelter House of Iowa City in setting-up, running, and cleaning up at their annual BBQ Bash, which raises funds to assist in helping persons move forward from homelessness.
- Many UISC Councilors helped at the 11th annual HopeWalk in Cedar Rapids to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
- Fall Highway Clean-up 2024: UISC Councilors sweated together cleaning-up our section of Adopted Highway near Kent Park. Lots of trash was removed and lots of fun was had.
- On Iowa 2024: Councilors welcomed our incoming Freshmen and transfer students to campus by assisting with moving into the dorms, passing out swag, and registration.
- 98.1 KHAK Radiothon: UISC volunteered alongside 98.1 KHAK and KCRG-TV9 at the University of Iowa Center for Advancement for the 98.1 KHAK Radiothon, which raises money for patients and their families. Their inspiring stories are shared live on air, highlighting the impact of donations.
- UI Wellness Fair