Jessica Welter
Jessica Welter has been with the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics since 2013, and currently works as an Informatics Specialist with the Department of Pharmaceutical Care. She previously served as a Staff Council Health Care/Behavioral Health Function Representative from 2019-2022 and is honored to continue representing, advocating, and recognizing the great work of our staff for an additional three years as an Organization Representative. Jessica has had the opportunity to assist on several Staff Council committees, most recently as a member of the Education Committee, Mental Health and Well Being Campus Collaborative Steering Committee, and as co-chair of the Health Care Committee. Outside of Staff Council, she has also served as a member of the Habitat for Humanity Women Build Committee, the treasurer for the Iowa City chapter of AAPC, and is looking forward to her work with the Pharmacy Engagement Committee. Jessica received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Central Michigan University, and her MBA from the University of Dubuque. In her free time, she enjoys reading and appreciating the great outdoors through hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, and snowshoeing.