Toni Woodbury
Toni has worked for UIHC for 5 years serving as a financial counselor. Her main role is to work side by side with UIHC Clinics, administration, medical teams, and patients to secure services financially for both our institution and our patients. It is not always an easy task, as she tends to provide difficult information, in delicate situations. However, Toni does enjoy going above and beyond for her patients. Doing everything she can to ensure her patients are not alone in their journey.
Not only does she advocate for her patients, she is now serving her 3rd year as a Staff Council member to advocate for her fellow staff members and is thoroughly enjoying this opportunity. Currently she serves on The Healthcare Committee & Human Resources Committee. She welcomes you to contact her at for any feedback, or questions you might have and unsure who to go to.
Toni lives in North Liberty, and outside of work she enjoys spending time with her husband Korey and their four beautiful children.