Friday, May 15, 2020

Application for Staff Positions on
University Presidential Charter Committees 
2020-2023 Terms*

Presidential Charter committees play an important role in the shared governance of our University, as well as meeting the goals of the UI Strategic Plan.  Charter committees were established in an effort to assure that University-wide services and activities are carried out in the best interests of the UI community.  

Their general responsibility is twofold: 1) to recommend and to advise on the formulation of University policy, and 2) to assist in the interpretation of University policies to their respective constituencies. 

Please consider playing a critical role in the shared governance of the University of Iowa by applying today. All full-time or part-time UI staff members are eligible to serve on these committees. You can apply for more than one committee.

*Committee terms are three-year appointments from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2023 with the exception of the Presidential Committee on Athletics, which is a five-year term from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2025.

Information on the charter committees can be found here:

Committee service will require release time from your normal duties. Before applying, you must discuss with your supervisor your desire to serve on a charter committee.

Selections will be announced in May.

Listed below are the vacancies on UI Charter Committees for the upcoming year:
Campus Planning – 1 vacancy
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion – 2 vacancies
Council on Teaching – 1 vacancy
Faculty-Staff Parking Appeals – 1 vacancy
Family Issues – 2 vacancies
Funded Retirement & Insurance Committee – 4 vacancies
Hancher – 1 vacancy
Parking and Transportation – 1 vacancy
Presidential Committee on Athletics – 1 vacancy
Recreational Services – 1 vacancy
Sustainability – 1 vacancy

You are also encouraged to apply for the following committees that have no current openings as applicants may be needed to fill mid-term vacancies:
Financial Aid Advisory
Information Technology Advisory
Research Council
University Libraries
University Safety and Security

The deadline for applying for committee openings is midnight Saturday, March 14th, 2020.

Please contact the Staff Council office at 319 335-3600 or with any questions.

Warm Regards,

Staff Council Committee on Committees
Tyler Lantz
Emily Milke
Steve Paulsen
H Pedelty
Teri Schnelle
Brenda Van Dee